Mindscape Diagramming for Windows Presentation Foundation

Mindscape WPF Diagrams is a Windows Presentation Foundation library for displaying and editing diagrams of all kinds. The library supports common diagram elements, including shape, flow and star diagrams, out of the box and provides built-in display styles, and can be customised with additional node types and your own visual styles.

See QuickStart to see how to get started with the product.


Mindscape WPF Diagrams is provided as a Windows Installer (MSI) file. Run this file to install the product. The installer creates Start menu entries under Mindscape > WPF Diagrams. If Visual Studio is present on the machine, the installer also creates a Mindscape tab in the Visual Studio toolbox and adds the DiagramSurface control to this tab (see Troubleshooting if the tab does not appear).

Getting Support

If you have questions or need assistance, please visit the support forum. This is also linked off the WPF Diagrams menu in the Start menu.